The bulk of the post process beings with the offline edit. Ingesting footage, assembling cuts, and locking the final picture all happens here before any other step can take place. Our award-winning picture editors get your project right up to the finish line, and ensure it's ready for final music, color, and sound.

Traditionally, the online edit is meant to conform the offline edit with the full resolution footage. Today, it also means meeting the challenges of multiple codecs, frame rates, aspect ratios, and formats that require conversion and conforming. Our online editors conform every aspect of your picture, from final VFX and motion graphics to color and final audio sync.

Color Grading is one of the most important elements in creating the overall visual aesthetic of your project. In addition to correcting color and exposure from one shot to another, our colorists ensure the look and tone of your project is uniform for maximum visual impactful on any screen.

Our technical team are well-versed in the ever-changing world of video and audio formats for acquisition and delivery. From processing dailies to batch file conversion, we can handle any format, codec, frame rate or resolution, from Analog SD video to 8K cinema resolution and everything in between.

The most important stage of the audio post process is the mix. We make sure your project sounds great no matter where it's heard, whether in a large theater, on a TV set, or through an iPhone. Our award-winning sound mixers specialize in 5.1, Stereo and Ambisonic (VR / 360 video) sound mixing for theatrical, broadcast, and web.

Sound editing is where we build the overall soundscape for your project. Before the final mix, all the right sound elements must be chosen, cleaned up and accurately timed. This critical process includes dialog cleanup, sound effects, foley, backgrounds, and music editing. Creating custom sounds for your unique story is all part of the art of sound editing and design.

Crisp, clean dialog is key to telling your story. Sometimes that requires replacing poor production dialog from set through the specialized process of dialog replacement. Our expert team is skilled in matching on-screen voice performances in our state-of-the-art recording facility. We also record narration for film, commercials, radio, audiobooks, and podcasts.

Nothing ties together the action on the screen more than hearing the footsteps, movements, and prop handling sounds specific to your story's characters. Our foley team is fast, efficient, and equipped with a fully-stocked stage of props to enhance the sound of every movement captured on screen.